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人气: 1374 | 发布时间:2020-08-05

惠州金裕星河丹堤岭南美墅 项目名称:金裕星河丹堤 岭南美墅 Project: JINYU GALAXY DANTI Showroom 软硬装设计:SEPD圣易文设计事务所 Design: ST.EVEN PARTNERS INTERIOR DESIGN 景观/灯光指导:SEPD圣易文设计事务所 Photography: ST.EVEN PARTNERS INTERIOR DESIGN 设计时间:2019.09 Project Time: Sep. 2019 完工时间:2020.05 Project Completed: May 2020 设计面积:558平米 Size: 558 m² 设计主材:银箔漆、水磨石、艺术烤漆、夹丝艺术玻璃、红洞石镀金(大理石)、木饰面、皮革 Materials: Silver paint, terrazzo, artistic glass, marble, wood, leather 春光佐茶·精雅入画 A Glimpse of Spring, a Sip of Tea, Enjoy the Moment of Fine Life

词人李清照曾说:“豆蔻连梢煎熟水,莫分茶。枕上诗书闲处好,门前风景雨来佳。” 斟茶入盏,水光摇曳,雾气氤氲,清香拂面,一盏好茶,一间雅致的茶室,可以为整个居所带来了空灵惬意的氛围。 There is a poetry from the Chinese well-known poet LI Qingzhao, saying“Why would I struggling getup and sharing my tea to others? Just lie down in my cozy cushion with a book on hand, enjoy the outside courtyard view in the shower of rain.” Imagine when you are pouring a pot of tea, the gleaming water is just grasped in your hand, simultaneously you are surrounded by tea aroma. What a chilling atmosphere right here in the Tea Room.
本案空间设计,SEPD团队一反常规思路,打破空间艺术的风格定义,旨在突出空间的共生美学和海纳百川的多元魅力。古典优雅、都市色彩、当代禅意、高级质感以及中西交融的艺术张力,共同宣扬着当代墅居生活的丰瞻与圆融大雅。 In this project, SEPD team breaks through the former design threads and goes beyond the boundary of “styled” spatial art. Overall design approach aims at presenting the integration of space art and diversity. We believe that the contemporary villa life contains classical elegance, urban elements, thoughts of Zen, visual texture perception and Sino-West cultural blend.
赌书消得泼茶香,当时只道是寻常。整体空间中,承续宋时诗意的米白色结合雅正内敛的红棕色,奠定了空间古雅的气质,从材质到艺术品陈列,却自然糅合了当代的格调气质与禅心妙韵。 There is another poetry says“I used to bet with my friend in the tea room, our clothes were infused with tea aroma. Now whenever I am sitting here, memories bring back to the old time happiness.” So in this project, we extended the classic interior color design idea from Song Dynasty, which is color beige going with reddish brown. Meanwhile, we care for the way of artwork texture and display. We strive to connect traditional art with modern elegant touch.
明亮的自然光照、古雅别致的圈椅、富有表现力的墙面镂刻书法字,设计师在书法室这一隅空间中体现了许多不同寻常的室内细节,且让每个元素和谐地兼容在一起。 We collaborate the natural light, a vintage round-backed armchair and background wall with carved calligraphy.
怡然自得的空间氛围中,散逸着浓郁的人文气息。设计师将几十枚形制不一的杯盏陈列于一整面背景墙,精美的茶盏由此凸显出独到的艺术韵味,无用之美,在静寂中流淌。 In this space, we designed the whole wall panel filling with different sizes of tea cups, which reveals the spirits of humanity art, and creates a leisure mood.空间以大理石材质铺陈出冷静优雅的气息,具有现代感的干净的条勾勒质感,凝结着人文风韵的艺术陈列小品,则将中式的风雅情致点染尽出。 The texture of marble reflects the spirits of traditional culture and contemporary elements, Chinese style is always the icon of this project. 一张新中式书桌,铺纸、研磨、执笔,文化气息悄然渗透进日常生活。 Lining the China paper, grinding the ink and ready for the handwriting, is exactly the daily routine of the home owner. 无惧岁月变迁,拒绝作茧自缚,以折衷主义的多元共融,拥抱喜悦、舒适、优雅、富足和智慧的生活。 Embrace the diversity, happiness, and comfort of life, no matter how time flies..
一层客厅空间,整体设计层次丰富且互相渗透协调,在多元材质、元素、文化符号的碰撞中,营造出独具一格的空间对话语言,时而诉说文化历史、时而演绎经典时尚、时而置换时空次序、时而营造艺术灵境,让我们在和谐整体的大氛围中,不断捕获折衷主义的新生魅力。 Living Room in the 1st floor embodies the interaction among traditional culture and modern classic. We don’t believe the boundaries of different styled elements; we believe there is a coexistence possibility thus this project is a positive try.
折衷美学讲求比列均衡,注重形式美,设计师将这种特质于餐厅空间中加以重点呈现。整体空间涵容着一种闲适的自信、沉淀着优雅的韵致,墙面板与装饰画的搭配保留了一丝古典的丰神情韵,红色靠椅搭配流光溢彩的餐桌和西式餐具,演绎日常生活的丰瞻之美。 We designers put the sense of ceremony running through the dining room design concept. Interior decoration including decorative paintings, Chinese style dining chairs and western cutlery is just a perfect combo of eastern and western culture.
主卧设计呈现出低调内敛的气质,色调上的朴质自然与软装的质感紧密贴合,营造出细腻幽微的的安静氛围。 In the Master Room, we prefer more natural style here. We create a calm and chilling atmosphere here in the Master Room.
负一层会客厅整体通透大气,品质感的家具摆设与硬装搭配得天衣无缝,设计师希望借由简约而不简单的组合,让优雅格调和气质美感彰显于空间各处细节。方正的空间中,圆弧形巧妙置入,让品味空间多了一丝柔软,一抹鲜红则绽放着生活的热情,于不经意间流溢出不凡品味。 The living room design on Ground Floor seems simple and straightforward, however as detail-oriented designers we integrate the passion of life in each corner of the space. For example, the florid color of pillow in creamy color sofa makes the space much more active and relaxing.
折衷,是从容,是包容兼纳的圆融大雅。简洁优雅的现代家具,多元的材质碰撞,典雅的空间仪式感,结合了曲线、典型与多元的局部,看似四分五裂的组合却巧妙地于异中求同,组合成一个绝妙的整体,恰如空间的配色,于整体的和谐中跳脱出自然的活力。 In this project, the overall styling mixes elegance and art into a sleek and simple concept. We believe that even the color scheme expresses a positive attitude towards life.
一个好的设计,当在功能之外,满足人们众多生活、精神及审美诉求。本案空间以中西结合、具范兼镕的笔调描摹空间,力求实现人们对于当代墅居生活的丰富想象。于茶室、书法室、禅室中,SEPD设计用当代的设计语汇调配出东方的意境与灵性,而在公共会客空间,则更多地以优容雅致的美感烘托日常生活的情致,私密空间则尽可能以简约凝练抒写安适静宁。 In this project, we implement the combination of Eastern and Western culture. We believe that even modern villa life cannot get rid of the traditional art. Thus, we integrate Tea Room, Calligraphy Room, Meditation Room into modern interior design. We care the daily function of space as well as the beauty of art, we are trying to provide a cozy and classic home for our client.
精致的细节装点透溢出丝丝静默优雅的气息,让空间更显高级。不同材质和谐圆融地结合在一起,丰富了空间的内蕴。 Decoration matters a lot, details speak for the home owner.




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