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人气: 1254 | 发布时间:2020-08-06

女律师的家——生活不只是白纸黑字 Female lawyer's home-life is not just black and white 项目概况Project overview 项目位于上海市浦东前滩禧悦公寓,本次设计是为一名女律师打造一间单身公寓。这间公寓使用面积为80平方米,为一室一厅的框架结构。正北的朝向,没有直接日照,入口左侧有一个暗卫。考虑业主一人独居经常加班的生活状态,以及房间的光线较暗等因素,设计师打通两个开间的非承重隔墙,形成一个开放流通的混合空间。新增了一个衣帽间,结合墙面收纳柜,使整个空间的储物能力大大增加。改变卫生间的开门方向,使立面造型更加整洁。整个空间采用冷暖两种色系来对应休息区和活动区的空间划分。局部曲线的造型处理,在满足功能需要的同时增加使用者不同以往的体验,弱化律师工作中白纸黑字的单调感,按照业主对生活方式的理解打造一间独一无二的单身公寓。 The project is located in Qiantan Xiyue Apartment, Pudong, Shanghai. This design is to create a single apartment for a female lawyer. The apartment covers an area of 80 square meters and is a frame structure of one room and one hall. There is no direct sunlight in the north direction, and there is a bathroom without daylighting on the left side of the entrance. Considering the living conditions of the owner living alone and often working overtime, and the dim light in the room and other factors, the designer opened two non-load-bearing partition walls to form an open mixed space. A new cloakroom is added, combined with the wall storage cabinet, which greatly increases the storage capacity of the entire space. Change the opening direction of the bathroom to make the facade shape neater. The whole space is divided into rest area and activity area by two color systems of cold and warm .The curve modeling process, while satisfying the functional needs, increases the user's different previous experience, weakens the monotony of the lawyer's work in black and white, and creates a unique single apartment according to the owner's understanding of lifestyle. ▼改造前 Before reconstruction <图片01> ▼改造前平面图 Plan before reconstruction <图片02> ▼改造后平面图 Plan after reconstruction <图片03> ▼打通隔墙后的空间,休息区与活动区用水磨石写字台隔开,营造出视线通透的居住体验。每一个功能区都能享受两扇落地窗带来的采光,地面采用乳白色自流平整体现浇,哑光的质感带来的漫反射能够改善北向公寓光线暗淡的问题。 Open up the space behind the partition wall, and separate the rest area and the activity area with terrazzo desks to create a transparent living experience. Each functional area can enjoy the lighting brought by the two floor-to-ceiling windows. The ground is made of milky white self-flowing flat and reflects the pouring. The diffuse reflection brought by the matte texture can improve the problem of dim light in the north facing apartment. <图片04> ▼从活动区看向休息区From the activity area to the rest area <图片05> ▼从休息区看向活动区From the rest area to the activity area <图片06> ▼通高的收纳柜增加储物空间,用同色系的四种红色来打破大面积柜体的单调感。柜体前方吊顶内隐藏一个升降投影幕布。 The high-height storage cabinet increases the storage space, and the four red colors of the same color system are used to break the monotonous feeling of the large-area cabinet. A lifting projection screen is hidden in the ceiling in front of the cabinet. <图片07> ▼入口右边是开房厨房,用水磨石吧台划分餐厅与厨房空间。 On the right side of the entrance is the western kitchen. The terrazzo bar divides the dining room and kitchen space. <图片08> ▼开放式厨房橱柜与整体收纳柜一体化,完备的现代厨房电器包括蒸烤箱、洗碗机、垃圾处理器以及全屋净水系统。岛台一侧的橱柜里隐藏壁挂洗衣机,岛台最左侧设置烘干机。 western kitchen cabinets and integrated storage cabinets are integrated, and complete modern kitchen appliances include steam ovens, dishwashers, garbage processors, and water purification systems. A wall-mounted washing machine is hidden in the cabinet on the side of the island, and a dryer is set on the left side of the island platform. <图片09> ▼岛台单槽搭配伸缩式龙头。 Single slot of island platform with retractable faucet. <图片10> ▼岛台侧面布置滑轨电源,灵活的插座方便小家电的使用。 The slide rail power supply is arranged on the side of the island, and the flexible socket is convenient for the use of small appliances. <图片11> ▼业主在吧台操作时视线通透,当家人朋友来聚会时沟通交流十分方便。 The owner has a clear vision when operating at the bar, and it is very convenient to communicate when family and friends come to the party. <图片12> ▼餐桌与吧台垂直布置,上方悬挂三盏吊灯。 The dining table is arranged vertically with the bar, with three chandeliers hanging above. <图片13> ▼圆拱形的卡座与整体收纳柜结合,形成一个四人就餐的用餐区。 The round arch-shaped sofa seat is combined with the whole storage cabinet to form a dining area for four people. <图片14> ▼沙发背靠水磨石写字台,满足业主经常在家办公的需求。 The sofa is backed by a terrazzo writing desk to meet the needs of owners who often work from home. <图片15> ▼办公桌上方吊顶隐藏第二个升降投影幕布,方便业主在休息时观看。 The second lifting projection screen is hidden in the ceiling above the desk, which is convenient for the owner to watch at rest. <图片16> ▼办公桌一侧的壁龛可以放书或置物,下方设置一个升降插座方便使用。 The alcove on the side of the desk can hold books or storage items, and a lifting socket is provided below for convenient use. <图片17> ▼休息区由化妆台、1.8米的床以及床头柜组成。用曲线壁龛造型弱化原始框架结构。 The rest area consists of a makeup table, a king size bed and a bedside table. Use curved niches to weaken the original frame structure. <图片18> ▼休息区采用蓝色系,壁龛内用波浪板造型。 The rest area is in blue color system, and the niche is shaped by wave board. <图片19> ▼床头柜上方设置一盏线性吊灯。 A linear chandelier is set above the bedside table. <图片20> ▼化妆台 Makeup table <图片21> ▼入口玄关设置下沉式换鞋区,由室外进入室内的物理空间与心理层面的分界。 The sunken shoe-changing area at the entrance is the boundary between the physical space and the psychological level from the outdoor to the indoor. <图片22> ▼玄关置物架上方悬挂异形镜子。 Abnormity mirror hanging above the entrance shelf. <图片23> ▼玄关看向室内。 From the entrance to the interior. <图片24> ▼卫生间采用墨绿色和白色,布置长台面和浴缸。 The bathroom is dark green and white, with long washstands and bathtubs. <图片25> ▼挂壁式马桶与浴缸之间使用玻璃隔断。 Glass partition is used between the wall-mounted toilet and the bathtub. <图片26> ▼双筒洗衣机布置在收纳柜内,卫生间的门采用长虹玻璃,引入更多光线同时保证私密性。 The double-barrel washing machine is arranged in the storage cabinet, and the bathroom door adopts embossed glass to introduce more light while ensuring privacy. <图片27> ▼独立衣帽间 Cloakroom <图片28> 项目名称:前滩禧悦公寓设计 项目地点:上海市浦东新区联航路1505弄 项目面积:80 ㎡ 设计单位:张烨建筑事务所 网址:www.lzarchitects.com 设计团队:张烨,李江峰 木作:上海橙品全屋定制 建成时间:2020年4月 摄影:周超吉 主要材料:水磨石、水泥自流平、玻璃、涂料 Project Name: Qiantan Xiyue Apartment Design Project Location: Lane 1505, Lianhang Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai Project area: 80 ㎡ Architect’s Firm: LZArchitects Website:www.lzarchitects.com Design Team: Zhang Ye, Li Jiangfeng Wood work: Shanghai Chengpin Whole House Customization Completion time: April 2020 Photography: Zhou chaoji





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